Web Coins

Earn, Collect, and Redeem – Your Hard Work Pays Off!

At the Web Development and Design class, hard work, creativity, and outstanding efforts of students gets rewarded. Web Coins were designed to make learning more engaging and rewarding. Web Coins are your ticket to exciting rewards.

What are Web Coins?

Web Coins are tokens that you can earn by showcasing exceptional skill, creativity, dedication, and teamwork in our class. These coins are not just tokens of appreciation but also a currency you can use to redeem various rewards.

How Can You Earn Web Coins?

Earning Web Coins is all about going above and beyond in the classroom. Here are a few ways you can earn them:

Extra Mile

Take on additional challenges, participate in class discussions, and show your commitment to mastering web development and design.

Team Spirit

Display outstanding teamwork, help classmates, and contribute to a positive, inclusive learning environment.

Code Wizardry

Solve a challenging problem, help debug a peer’s code, or showcase exceptional coding skills in your projects.

Creativity in Action

Design a project that stands out for its innovative approach and aesthetic appeal.

Redeeming Your Web Coins

Collected a few Web Coins? It’s time to reap the rewards!

Web Coins Rewards

Extended Project Deadline – Extend the due date of a project by 48 hours (may not be stacked) 10 coins
Project/Blog Points – Add up to 10 points to a project/blog of your choice (grade may not exceed 100%)10 coins
Test Retake – Retake a test for up to 50% of your missed points 20 coins
Shortened Blog Post – Shorten your next blog post by 100 words (may be stacked)10 coins
Class DJ – Pick the background music for a whole day (must be school appropriate)5 coins
Double Break – Double your break time5 coins
Double Break All Day – Double your break time for the whole day10 coins
Time on the VR – Earn 15 minutes on the class VR20 coins
Stickers – Choose a sticker from Mr. Choate’s sticker bin1 coin