Course Content

  • Freshman
    • Intro
      • Classroom Expectations, Rules and Acceptable Use Policies [5.1.3]
      • Course Syllabus
      • Classroom Safety [101]
      • Use of Microsoft Teams and Email [5.2]
      • Myers-Briggs Personality
      • Intro to WordPress (Yoast – WordPress for Beginners & Block Editor Training) [1525] [5.1.2]
      • Saving Files, File Naming Conventions, and Google Drive [4.3]
    • OSHA
    • Computer Operations
      • Ergonomics [104]
      • Typing Skills & Proper Hand Placement [104]
      • Operating Systems (Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS) [505, 508][1.1.1, 1.5]
      • Installation of Software (Adobe Suite, OBS, Filezilla, XAMPP, VS Code) [1.3]
      • Networking and Connections (Bluetooth, Cables, Wi-Fi) [503, 601] [1.6]
      • Text/Spreadsheet Editors (Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Google Docs, Google Worksheets, Smartsheet) [401, 403]
      • Presentation Software (Microsoft Powerpoint, Google Slides) [4.1]
      • Printing Concepts [4.4]
      • Computer Hardware, Cables & Accessories [1.2, 1.4]
    • Introduction to Web
      • Web/Internet History [301, 305, 306]
      • Impact of the Web [302, 307]
      • Roles & Internal Collaboration [1401] [6.1, 6.2]
      • Browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Edge) [604] [1.1.2]
      • Assets/File Types (HTML, CSS, Images, Etc.) [304, 308, 309, 504]
      • Research [406] [1.1.3, 1.1.4, 3.1, 3.2]
      • Text Editors (Atom, VS Code, Notepad++, etc.) [405, 1502]
      • Design & Development Process [901, 902, 904]
      • Emerging Technologies & Trends [1516]
    • Digital Citizenship, Legislation and Compliance
      • Digital Citizenship/Footprint, Morals/Ethics [105, 106, 1203, 1204] [2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 5.1.1]
      • Legislation & Compliance
        • Copyright and Attribution [1205, 1209] [3.3, 4.1]
        • Compliance (HIPAA, PCI, PII, Encryption) [610]
        • ADA [1208]
        • Acceptable Use Policies, Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policies, GDPR [1210, 1211]
    • Cybersecurity
      • Cybersecurity Basics; Phishing, Virus, Email Security [1201, 1206] [7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4]
    • HTML [1508]
      • Syntax [1522, 1523]
      • Head & Metadata [1524]
      • Text Markup [1523]
      • Links [1506]
      • Images [1511]
      • Tables [1503]
      • Forms [1529]
      • Video, Audio & Other Media [1514, 1515]
      • Embeds
    • CSS [1601, 1607, 1608]
      • Syntax & Selectors [1604, 1606, 1609]
      • Fonts [1610]
      • Measurements & Spacing
    • Intro to Graphic Design
      • Adobe Suite (Illustrator, Photoshop, Lightroom) [802, 812]
      • Website Wireframing/Mockups [902]
      • Critique & Revision [904, 907, 1528]
  • Sophomore
    • Intro
      • Classroom Expectations
      • Course Syllabus
      • Classroom Safety [101]
    • Project Management
      • Teamwork [1401]
      • Roles & Internal Collaboration [1401]
      • Sprint/Waterfall/Scrum [901]
      • Testing/Validation/AB Testing [1508, 1608]
      • Project Lifecycle (Discovery, Development, Maintenance/Support, Upgrade) [506]
    • Web Server Technology (Hosting) [1520]
      • FTP [608, 1509]
      • Importance of Backups [509]
      • Storage Technologies (S3, Google Cloud, Azure) [605]
      • SSL/TLS [609]
    • Responsive Web Design
      • HTML, CSS [905, 1526, 1528]
      • Flexbox
    • Advanced Graphic Design
      • Color Theory (60-30-10 Rule) [813]
      • Layout, Balance, Composition, Style, Golden Rules, Cohesiveness, Responsive [903, 905, 908, 1526]
      • Typography [811, 903]
      • Branding [805, 1103]
      • Media Optimization [804, 810, 814, 1527]
      • UX & UI Design Practices [1530, 1531]
    • Intro to JavaScript [1702]
      • Flowchart & Object Handlers [1701, 1705]
      • Function Creation [1703]
      • Conditional Statements & Loops [1704]
      • jQuery
    • CMS [1525]
      • Open Source: WordPress, Magento, Drupal, Joomla
      • Wix, Weebly, Shopify
  • Junior
    • Intro
      • Classroom Expectations
      • Course Syllabus
      • Classroom Safety [101]
    • Marketing
      • Content Creation [1507]
      • SEO (Yoast – SEO for Beginners) [1518]
      • Structured Data (Yoast – Structured Data for Beginners)
      • Keyword Research
      • Google Suite (AdWords, Analytics, Search Console, Business Listings) [1519]
      • Social Media [1532]
      • Email (CAN-SPAM) [1212]
      • Google Certifications
    • Employment & Freelancing
      • Certifications [1301]
      • Freelancing (Guru, Upwork, Fiver)
      • Creating a Business
      • Jobs
      • Resume [1305]
      • Portfolio [1304]
    • Client Relations
      • Discovery [1403]
      • Proposal Creation/Presentation [1102, 1108, 1109, 1110, 1113, 1404, 1405, 1406]
      • Managing Expectations/Storyboard [1102]
      • Training
      • Ticketing Systems
      • Documentation
    • Intro to Database Development
      • MySql
      • PHP
      • Database Softwares: Caspio, TeamDesk
    • Advanced JavaScript [1702]
      • Flowchart & Object Handlers [1701, 1705]
      • Function Creation [1703]
      • Conditional Statements & Loops [1704]
      • jQuery
    • Advanced Cybersecurity
      • Web Form Security
      • Internet of Things
      • Business Cybersecurity
    • Photography/Videography
      • Manual Shooting: Shutter Speed, Aperture, ISO
      • Rule of Two Thirds [908]
      • Adobe Lightroom and Premier Pro
  • Senior
    • Intro
      • Classroom Expectations
      • Course Syllabus
      • Classroom Safety [101]
    • Freshman Rotation Assistance
    • Programming with Artificial Intelligence
    • Project Based Learning/Portfolio Building
    • NOCTI Web Page, Digital/Multimedia and Information Resources Design CIP 11.0801