Configure WordPress Pt 2

  • Install/activate “Hello Elementor” theme. Delete all other themes that are not being used. [2 points]
  • Create a Navigation Menu by navigating to “WP Dashboard → Appearance → Menus”. Title your navigation menu and add both your “Home” page and “Blog” page to your navigation menu. [4 points]
  • Change your “Reading Settings” and set your Homepage to “Home” and your Posts page to “Blog”. [2 points]
  • Delete any unused plugins. The only plugins that should be active are “Disable Comments” and “Simple History”. [2 points]
  • Install/activate “Elementor Website Builder – More than Just a Page Builder” plugin. When you install/activate this plugin a popup will come up asking you to set this plugin up. Ignore this by clicking on “Skip” a few times (bottom right). This will also launch the Elementor page builder when you skip through all of this. Exit the builder by clicking on the “≡” on the top left and selecting “Exit”. Click on “Apply” on the popup. [10 points]
  • Delete the “Elementor #99” page that was created.
  • Login to cPanel and change the max upload file size to 5M in the MultiPHP INI Editor. Set the location to your “” site.
  • Download the “Pro Elements” from
  • Install/activate the “Pro Elements” plugin. [10 points]
  • Navigate to “Elementor → Settings → General” and have the below checkboxes be checked ONLY. [10 points]
    • Post Types Pages
    • Disable Default Colors
    • Disable Default Fonts
  • Edit your “Home” page and when on the edit screen you will see a “Edit with Elementor” button at the top of the screen. Click on that button to launch the Elementor builder.
  • Click on the “≡” on the top left of your screen and select “Site Settings”. From here, edit the following: [35 points]
    • Global Colors
    • Global Fonts
    • Typography
    • Buttons
  • Navigate to “Templates”. Click “Add New” and create the following templates. When creating the following templates make sure to design your templates to be responsive to different devices.
    • Header [25 points]
      • Add New Template
      • Template Type – Header
      • Name your template – “Header”
      • Design the template.
      • Publish template and set the display conditions to include “Entire Site”
    • Footer [25 points]
      • Add New Template
      • Template Type – Footer
      • Name your template – “Footer”
      • Design the template.
      • Publish template and set the display conditions to include “Entire Site”
    • Page [25 points]
      • Add New Template
      • Template Type – Single Page
      • Name your template – “Page”
      • Design the template.
      • As a minimum, this template needs to include the following elements:
        • Post Title
        • Content Area
      • Publish template and set the display conditions to include “All Singular”
    • Post [25 points]
      • Add New Template
      • Template Type – Single Post
      • Name your template – “Post”
      • Design the template.
      • As a minimum, this template needs to include the following elements:
        • Post Title
        • Post Info – Include the date
        • Content Area
      • Publish template and set the display conditions to include “Posts All”
    • Archive [25 points]
      • Add New Template
      • Template Type – Archive
      • Name your template – “Archive”
      • Design the template.
      • As a minimum, this template needs to include the following elements:
        • Archive Title – Set the fallback to “News”, “Blog” (whatever is appropriate for the site you are developing for). Uncheck “Include Context”.
        • Archive Posts
      • Publish template and set the display conditions to include “Archives All”